WBL Guidelines

The Project has captured over 100 WBL documents from our partners and these are contained in this section.  You can search the resources by language or by topic.  We recognise that a range of people associated with the WBL process may want to search this library of resources and thus we have created a range of pathways to navigate it.

You can search by your role – teacher, employer, VET provider or may wish to search the library by topic, such as assessment, placement activities and post placement.  Note that the resources are in a mix of languages – English, German and Slovenian.

Skills4work Project logo
Sample Risk Assessment - Hospitality, Tourism & Events
Understanding the labour market
Legal framework
Guidelines for Teachers/Tutors/Trainers involved in the delivery of Work Experience
Assessment criteria
Data Protection
Work Placement Search Template for Students
Legal requirements & contracts
Guideline on how to support and assess the student´s work placement
Unpacking Soft Skills / Unpacking Work Placement Assessment Criteria for Soft Skills
Student report from WBL experience
Learning Goals Template
Health & safety
Guidelines for Students on Work Placements Overseas
Student Placement Code of Conduct
Sample Student Application Letters for Work Placement
Soft Skills
Assessment criteria
Learner Soft Skills – Action Plan
Work Placement Policy
Building employer relationships/networking
Betriebspraktikum – Leitfaden zum Praktikum
Centralising data
Business partnerships
Work Placement Cover Letter Template – Health Service Skills Programme
Student presentations
Labour market knowledge
Further & Higher Education Placement Partnership Agreement
Bericht über Praktikumsbesuch
Employability skills
Bewertung des betrieblichen Einsatzes – Reflexionsniveau und Präsentation
Learner and employer expecations
Assessment of Work Based Learning
Personal Skill Audit Template for Students
Be a Mentor in the Workplace
Core Statutory Quality Assurance (QA) Guidelines Statutory QA Guidelines – Assessment Section
Future planning
Work Placement and Experience Standard Operating Procedure
Planning a programme for the student
Range of suitable tasks/activities
Learner Soft Skills - Journal
Placement Health and Safety
Vetting placements
National Context
Monitoring placements
Experience sharing
Awareness of business and industry needs, growth areas etc.
Visiting employers to inspect placements
Assessment requirements
National context for WBL
Feedback to Learners
Job finding strategies
Visiting teacher/tutor
Weekly report on placement
Hard Skills
Placement Visit Report
Roles & responsibilities
Work Experience Diary – Student Diary Guidance
Externships for Teachers, Tutors and Trainers
Goal setting for VET providers
Employers understanding of national Curriculum related to WBL
Student Placement Code of Conduct
Role of the Assessor
Evaluation of WBL
Tips for engaging employers
Report on Placement
Finding placements
Learner Soft Skills – Reflective Log
Work Placement Diary Template
Involving students in special projects
Standard Employer Evaluation
Beurteilungsbogen zur Selbsteinschätzung/ Fremdeinschätzung der praktischen Tätigkeit im Betrieb
Dokumente Praktikum IT-Assistent/in
Monitoring & evaluating placements
Reflection on Work Placement Experience and Future Planning
Feedback from Employers/Mentors
Placement Student Survey
Wochenbericht über Betriebseinsatz / Assessment of weekly reports
Why offer WBL opportunities to students
Company mentor
Placement Provider Guidelines
WBL challenges (e.g. dealing with conflict)
Learner Soft Skills - Evaluation
Assessment of performance and outcomes of practical training
Assessment tools
Awareness of the awarding bodies
Learner and employer expectations
Work Experience Activity Reports – for Health Care Skills Programmes
Experience sharing
Assessing the student
Work Based Learning (WBL): Roles and Responsibilities
Role of the company mentor
Recommendations for Evaluating Student Presentations
Work Experience Activity Reports – for Health Care Skills Programmes
Employers Evaluation
Employers’ requirements regarding potential employees
Criteria for identifying suitable placements
Student reflections (e.g. learning logs, diaries, workbooks etc)
Skills Audit – Preparing for the Work Placement
Sharing Data & Resources
Identifying areas of interest /profiling
Sample Risk Assessment - Animal Related Placements
Considerations for VET Providers