Berlin Study Visit – Day 2, 13 January 2015 – Notes by Anica Justinek

Education within the school system is quite similar as in Slovenia, so it was not especially surprising to me.
I found  the section of the candidates that we met at Charite Clinic to be very interesting. This is certainly a novelty for us.
I also found the great social responsibility of associations, the investment in the chosen ones and how they are supported in their personal and professional development very interesting.

  1. Activity description (Summary of what was done that day)
    Visit to classroom fulltime students, IT –assistants and dual training – system integration/Linux;AFIB Network: Dual Training in system integration – IT training Centre of Charite’s Clinic
  2. What did I learn from this activity? What insights did this new knowledge give to me in relation to school/organisation, learner and employer?
    In the school form of education (fulltime students) professional theory and practical lessons take place in the school. For some areas, e.g.. some programs of ICT, preschool education etc., there is only dual form of education, while the school form of education in these fields do not exist.The students receive standard skills in a written form at the beginning of training, in order to be able to acquaint themselves exactly what knowledge, skills and competences they need to develop to be able to perform certain tasks in the profession.Young people opt for the school type of education because they want to continue their education at higher levels, as well as because they arenot sufficiently certain of themselves as of yet and prefer to stay in school framework for some more time.Half a year after enrollment, the school can dismiss those students who did not   not reach the desired results In the 2nd year the students spend 8 weeks in practical training at an employer for, mainly in winter time, mostly in November, December and January. In the 3rd year have practical lessons for the most part they. Those students can also   obtain certificates for various ICT programmes at different levels. The beginning of the  Practical Training at a company is no cause for concern for them because they know that they have knowledge in various fields of IT and thus feel sufficiently competent, trained and capable. They are also well prepared for the study. Completed practical training at a comapany is a condition for the final examination. Theschool organizes examinations, afterwards they receive a certificate and a school leaving certificate for continuing education at the Polytechnic.The school maintains a database of employers and offer students to organize their own practical training at a company. They are well pepared by the school good on how to go about looking for a training place.. In its application to the employer they highlighthow can they contribute to the employers’s ork with their practical training and present a list of scores of the competencies. School signs a learning contract with the company in which they agree upon the the rights and obligations (insurance, minimal payment if it is, etc.). School teachers visit the students on practical training from 1 to 3 times e.g.. if there are any problems, if the student is misbehaving e.g.., to clarify the issue. Typical are the problems of underdeveloped social skills (delays, inappropriate behavior, inappropriate clothing, communication etc.). Students onractical training are ina work relationship andand not in the learning process. After finishing practical training at a student must write a report and ppt presentation for school peers and share their experiences. If the employer is satisfied with the student and evaluates his practical training at positive, a school relies on that evaluation and does not assess student’s competences itself. The company issues an evaluation of the acquaired key competences of a student. The employer strives for 100% realization, whilethe school only allows for 70% of the realization-. If a student is absent, it must reported to the employer and the school. If it is determined that the selected company is not appropriate, students can change companies after 14 days For the implementation of practical training at in the school the employer does not require a license/verification, as is the case in the dual system.

    One-third of the students realize practical training at through EU projects abroad. This is a big challenge for young people. For practical training abroad the students have to the International Bureau and with the presentation of the achieved competences. The teacher sometimes support, sometimes not a student’s the practical training abroad.

    Books and teaching materials are not available for all study subjects. Some learning materials are extensive and quite general. Usually they found teaching materials on the Web.

    On the Charite Clinic we watched education of a special class of the candidates of the 1st year of the dual system. Candidates in the class were from different public institutions in Berlin who are members of the education network AFIB. Admission to this section is subjected to very sharp criteria and there are only three such classesin Germany.

    They have a pre prepared- detailed plan for all three years of training in enterprises. In the first year they have all have the same programme in a classroom in the second and third year they are allocated to real jobs for individual employers, with whom they have a contract before enrolling in school. In the 2nd year the focus is on project work. Candidates in training gain certificates worth around € 10,000 (CISCO, ORACLE, Microsoft, …). The first time exam is always payed by the company, all the following ones are payed by the student. Each candidatealso gains the European Certificate of English language. Every week, they have an exam of achieved expertise. If they did not achieve a positive result, the test can be repeated at a time when they are at school. Training is demanding, it requires a lot of work in the afternoon at home. A certain portion of these candidates get jobs in companies where they have a learning contract, the rest find employment elsewhere without any problems.

    Candidates in this section do a mandatory practical training abroad (Erasmus)in the second year.

    It is in the company’s interest that candidates practical training is realized 100%. It could happened that due to lot of work the company ask the school for the student’s leave of absence. The competencies at this time are developed within the company.


  1. How did I feel about what was presented to me? What did I find innovative?
    What did I find difficult or challenging to do or understand and why?Education within the school system is quite similar as in Slovenia, so it was not especially surprising to me.
    I found  the section of the candidates that we met at Charite Clinic to be very interesting. This is certainly a novelty for us.
    I also found the great social responsibility of associations, the investment in the chosen ones and how they are supported in their personal and professional development very interesting
  2. What is working well and could be applied in my organisation and why? How would you go about doing this?
    that the students are given the skills standards in writing at the beginning of education could be particularly transferred to our system. That way they could clearly recognize professional key competencies (to increase their awareness). In that way they will know what they will have to learn and what skills they must develop in order to be successful in their profession. All that in order to understand and be able to solve professional problems.Before the candidates go to practical training we could give them a list of achieved competences so the employer may deliberate and decide what tasks could he give him and which competences for professional work he will continue to develop.Together with the students we could be able to continuously monitor the list of competencies so he identify for himself at what stage in the development of competencies he currently is.All this could be coordinated and agreed by consultants in cooperation with schools and organizers of   practical training.
  3. What definitely would not work in my organisation and why?
    In my opinion, here in Slovenia there is is consideration about the possibility that companies could organize secondary level of professional education in elite classes, but still it would not be impossible.
    That kind of links between businesses in the profession could also contribute to higher quality in the development of competences of candidates who, through their work, contribute to higher quality and competitiveness abroad. 


Any additional comments
Employers who accept candidatesfor the practical training for 8 weeks in the school form of education (clustered in the middle of the 2nd year), have no financial or other obligations. Candidates themselves find the employer. At the employer they practice by integrating directly into the working process thus obtainining work experiences, develop key competences, personal competences and professional competences.

Particularly smaller companies are interested in this kind of assistance of candidates from school. Due to the small number of employees the candidates from school are useful to them, but any other    co-operation with the school is not a priority. The candidate and the employer at least know each other for potential later cooperation.

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