Experience sharing
Načini za izmenjavo izkušenj pridobljenih na PUD so različni. Učijo se dijaki od delodajalcev, dijaki drug od drugega, šola od dijakov, ko se vrnejo s PUD in delodajalci od dijakov...
Student reflections (e.g. learning logs, diaries, workbooks etc)
Evalvacijski vprašalnik za dijake, ki so opravili PUD. Student reflections (learning logdiaries)
Student report from WBL experience
Vsebina dijakovega poročila o opravljenem PUD. Student reports from WBL experience
Feedback from Employers/Mentors
Evalvacijski vprašalnik za mentorje pri delodajalcih. Feedback from employers-mentors
Work Placement Diary Template
This is a template designed to allow students document their activities and experience while on work placement. It also allows students to consider the positive aspects and challenges while also...
Work Based Learning (WBL): Roles and Responsibilities
This resource is designed to provide clarity and suggestions around the roles and responsibilities of all those involved in work based learning (WBL). Work Based Learning (WBL): Roles and Responsibilities...
Assessment of performance and outcomes of practical training
Self- assessment and external assessment of practical work in the hosting company. This document is to be used by the student as well as the supervisor in the company to...
Report on Placement
Each student will be visited at least once during placements. This document summarizes in short a) the company, b) contact person and his/her function c) short description of student’s tasks,...