January 31, 2017Posted on0Comments January 31, 2017Posted on0Comments Feedback to Learners Način kako dijaku podati povratno informacijo o stopnji usvojenosti kompetenc na PUD. Feedback to learnersRead more
January 31, 2017Posted on0Comments January 31, 2017Posted on0Comments Feedback from Employers/Mentors Evalvacijski vprašalnik za mentorje pri delodajalcih. Feedback from employers-mentorsRead more
January 31, 2017Posted on0Comments January 31, 2017Posted on0Comments Monitoring placements Opis izvedbe obiska dijaka na PUD. Monitoring placementsRead more
January 31, 2017Posted on0Comments January 31, 2017Posted on0Comments WBL challenges (e.g. dealing with conflict) Metode reševanja problemov, ki se pojavijo na PUD. WBL challenges(dealing with conflict)Read more
January 31, 2017Posted on0Comments January 31, 2017Posted on0Comments Role of the company mentor Opis vloge mentorja dijakom na PUD. Role of the company mentorRead more
January 31, 2017Posted on0Comments January 31, 2017Posted on0Comments Learner and employer expectations Opis pričakovanj delodajalca in dijaka na PUD. Learner and employer expectations Read more
January 31, 2017Posted on0Comments January 31, 2017Posted on0Comments Experience sharing Vsebina rednih letnih srečanj z delodajalci v šoli. Experience sharingRead more
January 31, 2017Posted on0Comments January 31, 2017Posted on0Comments Visiting employers to inspect placements Opis namena in vsebine prvega obiska pri delodajalcu. Visiting employers to inspect placementsRead more
January 31, 2017Posted on0Comments January 31, 2017Posted on0Comments Labour market knowledge Opis programa za PUD za učitelje. Labour market knowledgeRead more
October 10, 2016Posted on0Comments October 10, 2016Posted on0Comments Work Placement Cover Letter Template – Health Service Skills Programme This is a template for a cover letter to employers for use by teachers/VET providers when trying to secure work placements for Health Service Skills students. Work Placement Cover Letter...Read more