Placement essentials

A few things have come to mind after our time together in sunny Northern Ireland for the SERC Study Visit:
Successful placements happen when there is:

  1. Good communication between the three partners: College to Student and Placement Provider.
  2. College staff (tutors and Work Placement Officers) working closely with students and providers, building a relationship (and maintaining the relationship with providers for future placements) – leading to a good match!
  3. Staff with a passion and interest in the Placements.
  4. Staff development for College staff when necessary.
  5. Clear procedures and expectations for all three partners.
  6. Preparation for Students and Placement Providers before commencement.
  7. Assessments/visits during the placement.
  8. Evaluations by Placement Providers and Students afterwards.
  9. Analysis of these evaluations and information acted on.

We all have staff in each college who go ‘above and beyond’ what is expected from them.

Just a few thoughts……..


About the author


  1. Sharon Browne

    Good points – which were reiterated at the brief meeting held during the NI study visit with OSZ IMT; their guests Peter from Deutsche Telekom and Juliane from the IHK; SERC’s Principal; and representatives from Lisburn’s local council and Chamber of Commerce.

    The partnership and understanding each others’ expectations were highlighted as key in both countries. A placement provider has to understand that they will be required to support and train the student, just as a new employee will also most likely need training.

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