Finding placements

Dijake se spodbuja, da si sami poiščejo ustrezno učno mesto pri delodajalcu. Prvi stik je pomemben. Ob uspešnem sodelovanju v času PUDa se lahko delodajalec odloči, da ga ob zaključku...

Work Experience Diary – Student Diary Guidance

This is a tool to assist students to prepare for their work placement in the health service skills area and provides a template and guidance for students to complete their...

Work Based Learning (WBL): Roles and Responsibilities

This resource is designed to provide clarity and suggestions around the roles and responsibilities of all those involved in work based learning (WBL). Work Based Learning (WBL): Roles and Responsibilities...

Skills Audit – Preparing for the Work Placement

This is a template that facilitates students to reflect on and document their practical, personal and interpersonal skills before going out on their work placement. Skills Audit – Preparing for...

Personal Skill Audit Template for Students

This is a template designed to allow students consider their personal skills (including communication, engagement, analytical, planning and organisation and action skills) in a structured way while also providing an...

Learning Goals Template

This is a template that allows learners to consider, prioritise and document their learning goals for their work placement. Learning Goals Template  

Weekly report on placement

During their placements the students are requested to write weekly reports on their experiences and tasks. They have to send this via email to their supervisors at the college and...

Guidelines for Students on Work Placements Overseas

Guidelines intended to be a useful starting point covering key issues to consider when planning a Placement Overseas. Aiming at Student and VET Provider Teacher to help teachers prepare students...