Finding placements

Dijake se spodbuja, da si sami poiščejo ustrezno učno mesto pri delodajalcu. Prvi stik je pomemben. Ob uspešnem sodelovanju v času PUDa se lahko delodajalec odloči, da ga ob zaključku...

Learner and employer expecations

Dijaki in delodajalci imajo na PUDu pričakovanja drug do drugega. Seznanitev z najpogosteje izraženimi pričakovanji. Learner and employer expecations

Hard Skills

Katalogi znanj in izpitni katalog. Hard Skills

Soft Skills

Program priprave dijakov na PUD. Soft Skills

National context for WBL

Sistemsko zagotovljeni pogoji za izvedbo PUD. National context for WBL

Work Placement Diary Template

This is a template designed to allow students document their activities and experience while on work placement. It also allows students to consider the positive aspects and challenges while also...

Work Experience Diary – Student Diary Guidance

This is a tool to assist students to prepare for their work placement in the health service skills area and provides a template and guidance for students to complete their...