Placement Provider Guidelines

This document aims to provide the Employer with as much information as possible to help in their decision to offer a placement and ensure they are aware of their role and responsibilities when they have a placement student. The VET Providers pass on their ‘Duty of Care’ to the Employer, well informed Employers can provide a safe environment for the placement students and feel supported in their role. Can be given to the Placement Provider as a hard-copy but most some prefer the document to be emailed. The VET Provider placement staff should discuss the information with the Employer and answer any questions they may have. This document should be given to the Employer after first contact by the VET Provider and prior to the student starting placement. Placement Provider Guidelines should be updated annually to allow for any changes or additional information to be added.  The contents of this document can be edited to suit the requirements of your organisation.

Placement Provider Guidelines

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